2007年12月27日 星期四


Cafe in December


In December, how do you spend your time during weekends? For me, no doubt it is the only time in a week that I can meet my beloved Xiyun. With Xiyun, no matter it is to stay all the day at home or go out for an excursion, I feel happy and enjoy a lot. In December, the weather is always cold outside. However, it's really hard to reject the invitation from bright sunshine, especially in this season~


Our friend Kun recently found a nice place in the downtown area. Near Ta-An Forest Park,
there is a cafe shop located at the lane of Xin-Shen S. Road. The mass transportation system in Taipei makes it easy to reach the shop; however, it's difficult to find a parking space nearby if you drive.

愛喝咖啡的一家五口,爸爸、媽媽、乾爹、媽咪加上希芸妹妹,最近常常來這裡報到呢!然後媽咪繼續用著小小的 T11,為希芸小小的可愛模樣留下記錄。雖然已經有添購單眼數位相機的計畫,也看好機型及打算購置的鏡頭,不過這陣子公事家事都忙,買了也沒有時間用,就只能放著讓它變成過氣的機款~所以這個計畫就先擱著了。

We are a caffeine-philic family -- papa, mama, daddy, mummy and Xiyun. We came here quite often these days. With little T11, mummy continued snapping photos of Xiyun to record her childhood days. In fact, I planned to buy a DSLR and had the wished model as well as lenses in mind. Well, my recent life is like burning the candle at both ends. I hardly imagine the new DSLR would be kept in the damp-proof cage until it becomes an old-fashioned model. OK~ this plan is postponed.


Let me introduce cafe here to you. When you make an order of hot cafe, bartenders here would no longer stay in bar. They first bring freshly crushed coffee beans in filter paper, pre-warmed cafetiere and cup to your table, invite you to have a breath of cafe deeply, and skillfully pouring hot water through cafe in front of you.


Serving on each table is an impressive feature of this cafe shop. With no time lag, you can taste your cafe immediately after it is made. Surely the time and temperature are important factors to tell you how good the cafe is.


2007年12月5日 星期三


Having a Picture Together?!


It was around the end of October. The office informed our laboratory to give a lab photo to replace the previous one, which has been used for several years. Well, it sounds easy; however, it's a little bit difficult to get all labmates together.


During semester, junior graduate students have many classes to take. Besides, each of them came from different campus and/or institute, thus different schedule of classes for each individuals. For senior PhD students and research fellows, we don't have classes but we arrange time table for experiments in advance. It sounds mission impossible to gather everybody and take a photo.

不過,明怡果然能幹,不出半天,就搞定所有人的時間了! 十月最後一個週四,上午十點半,好個吉日良辰,全員集合拍照啦!

How lucky we are to have Ming-Yi as an assistant in lab. She fixed the schedule immediately for everybody! The day to have a lab photo is the last Thursday of October, at 10:30am

這又是另一件弔詭的事~ 我以為所上有指派的攝影師幫大家拍大合照,明怡笑了半天,說「學姊,你想太多了!」 結論是我們得自己來。

That's weird! I though we'd have a photographer assigned by office to take this photo~ Ming-Yi laughed and told me that we have to take this photo by ourselves!!

嘿嘿~沒有在怕的啦!不過就拍照嘛~還好我的小小 T11 向來都是隨身攜帶的配件,剛好前幾天帶了三腳架來實驗室,沒問題,給它拍了!

Heehee...It's no big deal, I have my little T11 as a part of me everyday! By the way, I had my tripod in lab last week for other purpose! Let's go! Have a picture by ourselves!


We had the first lab photo in conference room. The sky though looked not blue, yet the skylight was good to take a photo outside. With T11 on hand, I walked ahead and led all labmates to the grassland in front of the activity center.
"Tai-Chi", Ju-Ming's masterpiece, was the best scene for us! What a pretty picture we had!


Just a month passed, one of the faces in photos has left lab. Is it the old Chinese idiom said "Stars move and things changed"? This is a quite common phenomenon in lab, people come and leave. I started to think about...shall we set taking lab photos on regular schedule every year!!