Having been postponed for several times and lasted for more than a year, the Taiwan High Speed Rail (HSR) finally launched its first service at January this year with the discount fares. One month later, with those embarrassing technical glitches, the HSR ended its trial phase and began to operate in a standard mode... I, looking aside what happened to HSR silently, read from newspaper and saw from TV everyday. Complaint and blame continued, still the online ticketing system failed to work...
Platform of HSR at Taichung Station
I oringinally planned to experience HSR while the HSR corporations get the system well done. However, plans always chase after change...This April, I had my first touch with HSR and later on I became a frequent user of HSR.
A traveller with her cafe~
對我來說,高鐵真的提供了便捷的交通。 三鐵共構的板橋或台北車站是我回家的起點,從住家或辦公室出發,捷運沒有預估交通必須考慮的塞車問題,搭乘高鐵不必提早半小時辦理劃位報到,同樣是北高,至多兩個小時的車程,比起台鐵至少四個半小時的煎熬,讓我搭過一次就決定變心!
For me, the HSR system indeed provides convenient and time-saving transportation. I used to board HSR at either Ban-Chiao or Taipei station, depending on where I left for Kaohsiung -- home or office, respectively. I had no worry about traffic jam by MRT to approach both stations. It's not requested to register by half hour before boarding. From Taipei to Kaohsing, the bullet-train of HSR takes less than 2 hours. When I had the first experience with the HSR system, I decided to attach my schedule with HSR and didn't spend time anymore on Taiwan Railway.
一票在手,通行無阻。HSR ticket
The Zuoying Station is the pre-stop for me to get home...the MRT system in Kaohsiung is still under construction. I used to change train at this statoin by local train and get off at Feng-Shen station, which is much closer to arrive home. Papa and mama or dear elder sister will wait and ride me home. I feel that I am home while getting on the car of family.
我的高鐵乘車記錄。My collection...
搭飛機對我來說,全程所需花費的時間,相較高鐵全程,費時相當。 松山機場的接駁交通算便利,從小港機場回家也不遠,加上女兒回家,爸媽總是很開心,所以會去機場載我,雖然現在的我搭高鐵多,等北高航線醞釀中的調降票價成真,我就又多了些選擇!
It takes almost the same time by airplane or HSR to travel from Taipei to my home in Kaohsiung county. It's also convenient to approach Song-Shan Airport for flight as compared with the Kaohsiung Airport. Yet Papa and mama always feel happy to see their daughter back home. They ride and take me home from the airport. However, the transportation fee of flight is 25% more expensive than HSR system. I guess the ticket fares are now been considering to have some discount for business competition...that's good for all travelers including me~ for more choices!!
飛馳中的風景。Flying scenery
在台灣的幾座機場,都有一個共同的致命傷 - 沒有便利的轉運交通!大部分的乘客都必須自備交通工具,或仰賴家人接送,不然就得忍受顛簸的公共汽車,走走停停的把自己載回市中心。
Most of the airports, no matter which is an international or a local one, have the same problem--lack of convenient transportation. Either taken up by family car or rode by taxi, otherwise we have to tolerate the shuffle bus with its "rocky and jerky" style on the way to our destination!
A magazine with me on the bullet-train.
I took a shot of the cover during travel. See?! A steady running~
【後記】我們的桃園機場和小港機場,號稱國際機場呢!沒有捷運、沒有鐵路,只有班次不多的接駁巴士~讓我不知該如何導引國外來訪的友人,怎麼從機場到台北市區! 老字號的台鐵,問題也不少!「誤點是常態,準點才意外」的運作方式,讓人不敢恭維。 算了!「不在其位,不謀其政。」小國民我還是摸摸鼻子,做好自己分內之事,閑來寫寫部落格,沒閑就專心過日子吧!