October 5, 2008
Having been planned and waited for a month, it finally was the day that Tomomi would visit Taiwan and stay for 5 days!! What a coincidence it was! There was a typhoon attacking the northeastern part of Taiwan. The evening we met in the main gate of Academia Sinica and walked together to lab. A BBQ dining had been planned in lab to welcome our friends from Okinawa! We were twelve persons sitting in two tables for dinner. After being fed with plenty of food, Michael came to drive us home~ Tomomi and Ryoko(U) would stay with me at my house for two nights!!
就別說晚餐吃得多撐了!走出餐廳時,風雨已經大到打不了傘、走路時會飄移的地步!體貼的 Arthur 開車送三個小女生回去住宿的旅館,老公則開車來把三個女人載回家。這兩天 Ryoko(U) 跟Tomomi 都跟我住唷!
October 6, 2008
It was originally planned to have a visit in National Palace Museum today. However, typhoon is now attacking Taiwan~heavy rain and strong wind kept us stay indoors. However, the power of friendship is even stronger than typhoon!! Arthur bravely drove his car to the hotel where Lisa, Ryoko(T) and Sayaka stayed, and took them to my house~finally, we had a joyful time having shabu-shabu together at home!! Meanwhile, Dodo was a superstar this evening~he caught everbody's hearts by his passionate rubbing!
今天原本計畫一趟故宮參觀之旅,可惜天公不做美,屋外風雨交加,台北縣市昨晚就宣布停班停課了,故宮當然就休館一天啦!不過,即便風強雨驟,都還是抵不過友情力量大! Arthur 從汐止開車到雙連,然後把 Lisa,Ryoko(T) 和 Sayaka 載到我家來,颱風天一起吃涮涮鍋,超幸福~
October 7-8, 2008
Pity that I could not join the trip to Hualien, National Taroko Park. I have and would like to save my work-off quota for Papa~ I cannot stand for this -- Papa goes to hospital by himself. Oh~of course, Mama is always accompanied with Papa, however, Mama is not as strong and healthy as before. I think they need my company.
Thank Shuen and Yu-Chi's support!! They both arranged a day off work and went to Hualien with our friends from Okinawa~ I really worried about language and safety when I knew I could not take the trip together. Tomomi told me why she wished to visit Taroko~the place where Taroko Park located is named "Tien-Xiang" and it is the name in Kanzi for her beloved son!
對了~Tomomi 跟我說很想去太魯閣是有特別緣故的呢!太魯閣的位置在天祥,而 Tomomi 的兒子,名字的漢字就是「天祥」,所以 Tomomi 還特地在花蓮的天祥寄了一張明信片給在沖繩的天祥唷~
October 9, 2008
Quite busy on Monday as usual. I told myself not to exhaust myself~for this evening, we planned to have dinner together in a famous restaurant serving food made from flour. Besides, we'll have some dessert after dinner on the same street -- Yung-Kang Street. Although it slightly rained, yet when we saw each other again, exciting and happy mood soon "heated" everyone...Who saw raindrops on shoulder? Nope! All evaporated !!
恐怖的星期一,忙碌一如往常。不過今晚有重要約會,所以邊做實驗,邊期待傍晚時分到來。伊婷、曉玲、采馨、一凡、舶滄、Arthur 和我加上從花蓮玩回來的五個朋友,我們今晚要去永康街的「金雞園」大快朵頤!沒辦法,我太喜歡這兒的麵食了,口感精緻、作工細膩,宴請外國朋友不僅兼具特色與口味的考量,經濟實惠的價格更是讓主人面子裡子都顧到了。
October 10, 2008
Last night Arthur, Bo-Tsang and I accompanied friends back to the hotel. It's a hard time for me to wave goodbye to my dear friends...They will visit the highest building in the world -- Taipei 101 -- today morning and departure in the afternoon.
昨晚,舶滄、Arthur 和我一起送大家回車站前的天成飯店。這是日本友人這趟台灣行的最後一晚了,討厭說再見的我,面臨了必須說再見的時刻...還被舶滄和 Arthur 嘲笑 >_<
Arthur came to lab and ask if I'd like to meet them in Taipei 101. Wow~really? Why not~Let's go!! This is the very first time for everybody! None of us have visited 101 before. I was impressed with the Damper Baby very much!! For more info, please refer to http://www.taipei-101.com.tw/ch/OB/damper/intro.asp ~
今天上午朋友們計畫抽空去參觀台北 101,下午啟程前往桃園機場,結束台灣之行。接近中午時分,Arthur 提議一起去台北 101 跟大家說掰掰吧!二話不說,走!我是都市鄉巴佬,第一次拜訪世界最高的建築 -- 台北101~我看到好大的阻尼喔!真是把我看傻眼啦~
After 101, it is the moment we have to say goodbye to each other...
Although we could not help but weeping...we knew it is tears of happiness and love. We hugged each other tightly and made a date to meet again in Okinawa when Spring comes.
結束台北 101 的參觀,這次真的要再見了。忍不住還是哭了...不過大家都知道這是充滿幸福與不捨的眼淚,用力地跟大家一一擁抱說再見,並且約好了~春天來的時候,換我去沖繩看大家!