2007年5月26日 星期六

[郊遊] 明湖水漾。三。水中仙。

April 20-21, 2007
Young Lake Resort.III.Fairy Ladies


Logo of the Young Lake Resort.
The entrance .

園區內。 放眼望去,一重又一重環著水庫的山之外,就是水了 。 大爿的湖水,映著天光,顯得寧靜甜美。

As far as the eye can see... The reservoir is surrounded by a mountain chain. Except mountain, water is what the most impressed image in my eyes -- the natural lake and those artificially made ponds. The lake with skylight reflected in peace looks gorgeous and sweet.

從這個角度拍,恰好可以看到我們的房間。 就相片左邊,二樓,那扇窗內。 草地上,小片的池塘,映著天光,一派清淺可親的模樣。

On the second floor, the left, inside the window~we had a sound sleep last night. On the yard, a small pond lays with a friendly face attracting people to touch and feel it.

微陰的天氣,還好沒下雨。 這種天色最適合拍照了!就自然光拍,不必打燈。 希芸妹妹真有舞台上走秀的模特兒的姿態。

Cloudy sky without rain.
It is great to take shots under skylight like today.
No need of flash or compensation, everything shows in natural appearance.
Does the style Xiyuan walks look like a model in a fashion show?

就說吧~除了水還是水! 木頭走道外是水,水中倒映著走道及睡蓮的影像。池塘裡的睡蓮,姿態各異。 木頭走道內還是水,玻璃護欄把水上水下不管是真實的或是倒影,又呈現一次。

Water and water again~
Beside the wooden terrace is the pond with the reflected images of the wooden terrace and water lilies in various postures. The guard rail made of glasses for the wooden terrace again reveals the images no matter what is real, reflected, above or below water.
I guess the proverb in ancient China " Flower in mirror, moon in water" describing the scenery they'd experienced like what I saw in Young Lake Resort.

含苞待放的蓮。中午十一點左右拍的。 不知是睡過頭,來不及清早開花, 還是開過了,這會兒提早收工,回家睡午覺?

This picture of a lily bud was taken around 11:00 am.
I thought lily is usually in flower in the morning...
Is this one late for being in blossom or am I too late to see its full-blown flower in the early morning?

Two lilies
are blossoming into fairy ladies.

一朵盛開的蓮。 真好~就這樣肆無忌憚的綻放,跟全世界宣告自己的美!
A fully blown lily goes to great lengths to show the world her astonishing beauty.
