2007年12月27日 星期四


Cafe in December


In December, how do you spend your time during weekends? For me, no doubt it is the only time in a week that I can meet my beloved Xiyun. With Xiyun, no matter it is to stay all the day at home or go out for an excursion, I feel happy and enjoy a lot. In December, the weather is always cold outside. However, it's really hard to reject the invitation from bright sunshine, especially in this season~


Our friend Kun recently found a nice place in the downtown area. Near Ta-An Forest Park,
there is a cafe shop located at the lane of Xin-Shen S. Road. The mass transportation system in Taipei makes it easy to reach the shop; however, it's difficult to find a parking space nearby if you drive.

愛喝咖啡的一家五口,爸爸、媽媽、乾爹、媽咪加上希芸妹妹,最近常常來這裡報到呢!然後媽咪繼續用著小小的 T11,為希芸小小的可愛模樣留下記錄。雖然已經有添購單眼數位相機的計畫,也看好機型及打算購置的鏡頭,不過這陣子公事家事都忙,買了也沒有時間用,就只能放著讓它變成過氣的機款~所以這個計畫就先擱著了。

We are a caffeine-philic family -- papa, mama, daddy, mummy and Xiyun. We came here quite often these days. With little T11, mummy continued snapping photos of Xiyun to record her childhood days. In fact, I planned to buy a DSLR and had the wished model as well as lenses in mind. Well, my recent life is like burning the candle at both ends. I hardly imagine the new DSLR would be kept in the damp-proof cage until it becomes an old-fashioned model. OK~ this plan is postponed.


Let me introduce cafe here to you. When you make an order of hot cafe, bartenders here would no longer stay in bar. They first bring freshly crushed coffee beans in filter paper, pre-warmed cafetiere and cup to your table, invite you to have a breath of cafe deeply, and skillfully pouring hot water through cafe in front of you.


Serving on each table is an impressive feature of this cafe shop. With no time lag, you can taste your cafe immediately after it is made. Surely the time and temperature are important factors to tell you how good the cafe is.


2007年12月5日 星期三


Having a Picture Together?!


It was around the end of October. The office informed our laboratory to give a lab photo to replace the previous one, which has been used for several years. Well, it sounds easy; however, it's a little bit difficult to get all labmates together.


During semester, junior graduate students have many classes to take. Besides, each of them came from different campus and/or institute, thus different schedule of classes for each individuals. For senior PhD students and research fellows, we don't have classes but we arrange time table for experiments in advance. It sounds mission impossible to gather everybody and take a photo.

不過,明怡果然能幹,不出半天,就搞定所有人的時間了! 十月最後一個週四,上午十點半,好個吉日良辰,全員集合拍照啦!

How lucky we are to have Ming-Yi as an assistant in lab. She fixed the schedule immediately for everybody! The day to have a lab photo is the last Thursday of October, at 10:30am

這又是另一件弔詭的事~ 我以為所上有指派的攝影師幫大家拍大合照,明怡笑了半天,說「學姊,你想太多了!」 結論是我們得自己來。

That's weird! I though we'd have a photographer assigned by office to take this photo~ Ming-Yi laughed and told me that we have to take this photo by ourselves!!

嘿嘿~沒有在怕的啦!不過就拍照嘛~還好我的小小 T11 向來都是隨身攜帶的配件,剛好前幾天帶了三腳架來實驗室,沒問題,給它拍了!

Heehee...It's no big deal, I have my little T11 as a part of me everyday! By the way, I had my tripod in lab last week for other purpose! Let's go! Have a picture by ourselves!


We had the first lab photo in conference room. The sky though looked not blue, yet the skylight was good to take a photo outside. With T11 on hand, I walked ahead and led all labmates to the grassland in front of the activity center.
"Tai-Chi", Ju-Ming's masterpiece, was the best scene for us! What a pretty picture we had!


Just a month passed, one of the faces in photos has left lab. Is it the old Chinese idiom said "Stars move and things changed"? This is a quite common phenomenon in lab, people come and leave. I started to think about...shall we set taking lab photos on regular schedule every year!!

2007年11月21日 星期三


November 16, 2007


The first stage chemotherapy has been completed at the end of September. Dr. Lin scheduled clinics for father once a month for follow-up. From the CT scan, there was no obvious change in size of the tumor masses which had been seen last month.


Papa felt disappointed for no further shrinkage of tumors and asked if radiotherapy can help or not. Dr. Lin suggested Papa to have a meeting with Dr. Chen in Dept. Radiology and see if Papa's condition is suitable for radiotherapy. Papa agrees. We therefore have to come back for clinics this afternoon.


We left hospital at 11:30 am. Papa told mama "Wenlynn was too busy to have a nice meal for days, let's go to Lin-Bian and enjoy seafood!" WOW~~~of course I loved this idea! It's also a blessing for Papa to have a good appetite!


We went to clinics for radiotherapy this afternoon. After reading in detail of all reports, Dr. Chen told us the health indexes for Papa were good and she will arrange the schedule for Papa to take radiotherapy. However, we were also informed the capacity of Dept. Radiology was fully occupied now and Papa had to wait for 3 weeks or longer. Papa nodded in agreement. Dr. Chen told us many cases of her patients had good recoveries after radiotherapy and finally could speak again.


On the way to parking lot, we walked side by side and held each other's hand. I can feel Papa through his hands...Papa was encouraged again and the blessings from Budda would help Papa gradually recover from cancer attack. You'd never know how lonely it was without Papa's voice at home...Just imaging Papa could talk to me again, I was cheering to caper!

2007年11月5日 星期一


November 1st, 2007


It has been announced for a month~every weekend, when we drive home by Civic Blvd. to have dinner with my parents-in-low, the notice was there and announced "Heavy motorcycle with cylinder volume equal and more than 550 ml are allowed to drive on express highways". I looked forward to the day so much to experience it!!


The day, November 1st, I dressed myself in pantsuit for office this morning...
I thought Michael would ride his moto to take me home. When my mobile showed up the message sent by Michael and said he was nearby, I happily went downstairs and felt disappointed~I didn't see our heavy moto -- Kawasaki ZRX1200R... just Michael was there waiting for me! Well, Michael might be right. He said the Civic Blvd. must be as crowded as supermarket today. We could have a try several days later. Sure~wait for another good day, I'll have my flight on express highway!


ps. We later had a ride on express highway #61 at November 3th. It was indeed a fascinating ride! Vibration and noise were accompanied with high-speed riding, I felt my moto helmet was almost blown away~ the helmet I currently use is SHOEI J-Force II. It seems I have to upgrade my equipments now ^_^

2007年10月13日 星期六



October 5, 2008

Having been planned and waited for a month, it finally was the day that Tomomi would visit Taiwan and stay for 5 days!! What a coincidence it was! There was a typhoon attacking the northeastern part of Taiwan. The evening we met in the main gate of Academia Sinica and walked together to lab. A BBQ dining had been planned in lab to welcome our friends from Okinawa! We were twelve persons sitting in two tables for dinner. After being fed with plenty of food, Michael came to drive us home~ Tomomi and Ryoko(U) would stay with me at my house for two nights!!


走路時會飄移的地步!體貼的 Arthur 開車送三個小女生回去住宿的旅館,老公則開車來把三個女人載回家。這兩天 Ryoko(U) 跟Tomomi 都跟我住唷!

October 6, 2008

It was originally planned to have a visit in National Palace Museum today. However, typhoon is now attacking Taiwan~heavy rain and strong wind kept us stay indoors. However, the power of friendship is even stronger than typhoon!! Arthur bravely drove his car to the hotel where Lisa, Ryoko(T) and Sayaka stayed, and took them to my house~finally, we had a joyful time having shabu-shabu together at home!! Meanwhile, Dodo was a superstar this evening~he caught everbody's hearts by his passionate rubbing!

今天原本計畫一趟故宮參觀之旅,可惜天公不做美,屋外風雨交加,台北縣市昨晚就宣布停班停課了,故宮當然就休館一天啦!不過,即便風強雨驟,都還是抵不過友情力量大! Arthur 從汐止開車到雙連,然後把
Lisa,Ryoko(T) 和 Sayaka 載到我家來,颱風天一起吃涮涮鍋,超幸福~


October 7-8, 2008

Pity that I could not join the trip to Hualien, National Taroko Park. I have and would like to save my work-off quota for Papa~ I cannot stand for this -- Papa goes to hospital by himself. Oh~of course, Mama is always accompanied with Papa, however, Mama is not as strong and healthy as before. I think they need my company.


Thank Shuen and Yu-Chi's support!! They both arranged a day off work and went to Hualien with our friends from Okinawa~ I really worried about language and safety when I knew I could not take the trip together. Tomomi told me why she wished to visit Taroko~the place where Taroko Park located is named "Tien-Xiang" and it is the name in Kanzi for her beloved son!


對了~Tomomi 跟我說很想去太魯閣是有特別緣故的呢!太魯閣的位置在天祥,而 Tomomi 的兒子,名字的漢字就是
「天祥」,所以 Tomomi 還特地在花蓮的天祥寄了一張明信片給在沖繩的天祥唷~

October 9, 2008

Quite busy on Monday as usual. I told myself not to exhaust myself~for this evening, we planned to have dinner together in a famous restaurant serving food made from flour. Besides, we'll have some dessert after dinner on the same street -- Yung-Kang Street.
Although it slightly rained, yet when we saw each other again, exciting and happy mood soon "heated" everyone...Who saw raindrops on shoulder? Nope! All evaporated !!

恐怖的星期一,忙碌一如往常。不過今晚有重要約會,所以邊做實驗,邊期待傍晚時分到來。伊婷曉玲采馨一凡舶滄、Arthur 和我加上從花蓮玩回來的五個朋友,我們今晚要去永康街的「金雞園」大快朵頤!沒辦法,我太喜歡這兒的麵食了,口感精緻作工細膩,宴請外國朋友不僅兼具特色與口味的考量,經濟實惠的價格更是讓主人面子裡子都顧到了


October 10, 2008

Last night Arthur, Bo-Tsang and I accompanied friends back to the hotel. It's a hard time for me to wave goodbye to my dear friends...They will visit the highest building in the world -- Taipei 101 -- today morning and departure in the afternoon.

舶滄、Arthur 和我一起送大家回車站前的天成飯店。這是日本友人這趟台灣行的最後一晚了,討厭說再見的我,面臨了必須說再見的時刻...還被舶滄和 Arthur 嘲笑 >_<

Arthur came to lab and ask if I'd like to meet them in Taipei 101. Wow~really? Why not~Let's go!! This is the very first time for everybody! None of us have visited 101 before. I was impressed with the Damper Baby very much!! For more info, please refer to http://www.taipei-101.com.tw/ch/OB/damper/intro.asp ~

今天上午朋友們計畫抽空去參觀台北 101,下午啟程前往桃園機場,結束台灣之行
。接近中午時分,Arthur 提議一起去台北 101 跟大家說掰掰吧!二話不說,走!我是都市鄉巴佬,第一次拜訪世界最高的建築 -- 台北101~我看到好大的阻尼喔!真是把我看傻眼啦~

After 101, it is the moment we have to say goodbye to each other...
Although we could not help but weeping...we knew it is tears of happiness and love. We hugged each other tightly and made a date to meet again in Okinawa when Spring comes.

結束台北 101 的參觀,這次真的要再見了。忍不住還是哭了...不過大家都知道這是充滿幸福與不捨的眼淚,用力地跟大家一一擁抱說再見,並且約好了~春天來的時候,換我去沖繩看大家!

2007年10月3日 星期三


a little woman's viewpoint of love


"LUST, CAUTION", which was originally a novel written by Eileen Chang, is a movie directed by Ang Lee and comes out in cinemas in September 2007. No doubt Michael, who claimed fluid flowing in his blood vessel is gasoline instead of blood, will not accompany me for this kind of movie. Well, Ruey-Jin and I are happy to go to movies together after office hours. By MRT blue line, we arrived at the movie theater in Shimending on time.


The light turned to be dark, a story in a turbulent age was begun...When the screen came out the show by the patriotic young, with dramatized make-up on faces and very mannered performance to deeply touch the hearts of audiences in movie, I heard very different noise from audiences in reality. Some were sobbing and some were laughing. Well, I was not sure if sobs or laugh were induced by Lee-Hom Wang for he wore a lot of make-up or by the bombastic tone crying for survival of China!
What about me? They were playing scenes beyond my cognition and experiences...

接著一群大學生開始暗殺特務的計畫與行動 單純的女大學生--王佳芝,不知是受到愛國心的驅使,還是為了那初初萌芽的曖昧情愫,答應扮演色誘特務的危險角色為了讓精明的特務不疑有他,強迫自己與一名從無任何好感的男同學「練習」男女床笫之事當特務因新的任命離開香港的那一幕出現,看著螢幕上女大學生沒有表情的臉,我聽到自己的心嘩啦啦碎了一地...

An action to assassinate the special agent was planned by those patriotic young people. Maybe it's because of the patriotic duty of Chia-Chi Wang, maybe just for the love in dark between her and Yu-Ming Kuang, the college girl promised her friends to take on a dangerous role to entice the special agent into lusting after her. Being undergraduate, pure and young, she forced herself to have sex with a man, who never attracted her, to get acquainted with the sexual activity and to play vividly as a mistress. Everything got ready for her but with a bad luck, the special agent took a new mission and left Hongkong. The moment she knew about the news, screen revealed a pretty but expressionless face, I felt like my heart was broken into pieces...


The stories went on in the era that I only read in history class. I saw no hero but a young lady with a lonely heart, being struggling to make a decision of "to be or not to be". Not necessary to know thinking of each other, when they were face to face nakedly, twisted bodies faithfully delivered the message of love.


The scenes were playing to the end...Ruey-Jin was so deeply touched that she almost became a weeping lady. I had no tears. The fate that Chia-Chi Wang finally chose in her life is what I would do if I were in that situation. Ruey-Jin wiped her tears off and with an understanding smile on her face, she said the special agent did not worth the love of Chia-Chi Wang that had made her sufferings; however, that's what love is. Just like the poem by the ancient poet
Petőfi Sándor~ "Liberty, love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life."


I think I am lucky not to grow in that age. Never blame on Chia-Chi Wang for her carelessness of her companies. When she was entrapped in a tough situation, who had ever thought about the difficulties she faced or been awaken by her warning cry to get her away from those tortures? To end the sufferings on the execution ground seemed a good way to free herself from this sad love. When the shot was fired, she also got rid of fears that is like a snake break-in her soul, and she would be relieved from the pain of betraying love and trust.


We left movie theater at 10:30 pm. Shimending is still active and crowded by young people. With different viewpoints of love being shared, we waved goodbye at the entrance of MRT and made an appointment for next good show, how perfect we are as movie-mates~~

此句摘錄一句匈牙利詩人裴多菲.山多爾 (Petőfi Sándor,1823-1849) 的名作,中文譯為「生命誠可貴,愛情價更高」。其實後半尚有「若為自由故,兩者皆可拋」,不過這顯然跟小女子的愛情觀不合,所以就省略啦!

This is a poem by Hungarian poet Petőfi Sándor (1823-1849). "Liberty, love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life" is the half-part of a poem. The full version of this poem should be "Liberty, love! These two I need. For my love I will sacrifice life, for liberty I will sacrifice my love." It's obvious that the last half-part is disagreed with a little woman's viewpoint of love~ that's why I omitted the last-half >_<


2007年9月28日 星期五


○七年 九月二十八日


Time passed so fast, I've been happily married for 4 years. When I was a single, friends who were married said: Don't be silly! It's totally different in life before and after getting married! Now I am married, friends who are single told me they wish to get married for my life after getting married is even more joyful and happy than I was a single.


O_o What should I say?! Well, it's indeed different before and after marriage. The distance of Michael and me was shortened from 350 km to 160 km for he quit his job in Tainan Chi-May Medical Center and moved to Taichung Chung-Shan Medical University. Isn't it a BIG difference for us?!


I think there was no big difference of our life style before and after getting married. We have 2 or 3 days a week living together. Weekend is the family day, we have dinner time with my parents-in-law every Saturday. While living together, we enjoy and share many things with each other. The other days, we live individually in two cities and have personal life, friends and interests. Living by oneself, life goes on an easy and comfortable way; living together, life is a harmony.


Friends also are curious when Michael and I have a difference of opinion on something, whether we argue with each other or not. I dare not say "No, we never had a quarrel"; however, I am sure we did not spend time on issues that are not logical or reasonable. Because of love, trust, and respect, the moment we express self opinions, we listen to each other simultaneously.


2007年9月17日 星期一


September 2007

We certainly were well-prepared for this excursion! After breakfast, we had a good time with cute Hua. At about eleven o'clock, we waved goodbye to Hua's family and started over the trip. Next destination is Sandiao Cape Lighthouse.


三貂角燈塔。簡介。Sandiao Cape Lighthouse.Introduction

We left Sky Coffee and rode along the county freeway #106. Passing through "Ping-Shuang Tunnel", we were then running on a branch of freeway #2 and soon reached the main line of it. I felt like flying along the coast of Taiwan~


三貂角燈塔。Main building of Sandiao Cape Lighthouse

The sky turned to be cloudy...isn't it just the beginning of autumn? How come the effect of monsoon is so obvious?! Running on freeway along coast, the wind of a slight salty smell
blew me up and made me feel as if I were a kite flying against the current of air to the sky~


The only way to the viewing platform

It's so strange! On our arrival at Sandiao Cape Lighthouse, except Michael, me and our motorbike V-Star, there was no other visitors! Here showed an extremely good field of vision~


觀景台在望。Viewing Platform

Before we waved goodbye to the lighthouse, Michael asked me if I felt tired or not. He wished to ride along the coast to Yi-Lan and planned to return to Taipei by freeway #9. Wow~~ Of course I was very excited by Michael's idea! Go~go~go~Let's keep on riding for a blow~


陪我們一路風塵僕僕的勝利小星。YAMAHA V-Star

We met the bullet train Taroko halfway and had a rush to chase it. Just a few seconds it ran so fast and disappeared from our eyesight.


Dali Temple.Eaves Fly to the Blue Sky

Near the Dali railway station, there is a famous temple -- Tian-Gong Temple. It means the Master of Heaven in Chinese. We had a short stop here and prayed to GOD for father to make a complete recovery from cancer.

就在北迴鐵路濱海段大里車站附近,我看到香火鼎盛的大里天公廟,二話不說,停車到廟裡拜拜, 祈求天公賜福,助爸爸戰勝病魔。

Flying eaves look like Hands raising toward Sky

Today is a good day for excursion. No trunk, no traffic jams on the way! The weather though was cloudy, yet it did not rain. We met many motorbike riders halfway and waved hello to each other. What surprised me very much are those bicycle riders...to me, riding on freeway #9 is "mission impossible"! However, many bicycle riders were riding along freeway #9...Oh! My H~E~R~O~~



2007年9月8日 星期六


September 2007

A weekend of September. Michael and me, we had a date with a cute boy -- Hua. Though I felt sleepy to get up in early morning, yet the sky showed me with its charming blue and awoke me to enjoy it. We got ready efficiently and started a joyful riding~


鑰匙圈。A Gift for Dear Michael

A good season for excursion~I enjoy riding on the county freeway #106, the scenery is too nice to be true -- feeling that I am visiting somewhere like Utopia and remind me a child song singing the view of hometown, a river in front and hills behind...


平溪印象。Scenery of Ping-Xi Township

It was said the poetic lyrics was a work of a famous writer living in this area. The lyrics describes the scenery of hometown, it is so beautiful as if it was a painting...


夢幻的紫色野花。A purple Jalapa

I was hungry after one and half hours riding! Hua and his parents were on the way to Sky Coffee. We chose a table and made the order of our breakfasts, enjoyed delicious food and waited for their arrival...soon Hua's family joined us.


NO阿伯和Q小華。Michael and Cute Hua

Again, I shot the breakfast served by Sky Coffee! A little bit different combination of the served set. Redbean soup is Michael's favorite sweets! The sandwich is made of HASH BROWN PATTIES~my favorite potato snack!


山中的可口早餐。Tasty Breakfast

2007年8月25日 星期六



Friday, August 24, 2007




With fears that cancer cells are not easy to treat, this morning, I accompanied Papa to hospital for the result of the latest physical exam after the fourth chemotherapy. Waiting for our turn to see the doctor...



The spacious consulting room became a little bit crowded for our coming~ Papa took the seat facing the doctor, Mama, elder sister and me stood behind Papa. Looking at Papa's back, his hair went bald because of the side effect of chemotherapy.
Last night I felt very agitated when I saw ashen-faced Papa at home.





Dr. Lin opened Papa's file and the films of CT scan were shown on the screen. Followed with the scrolling screen, the worry eyebrows of everybody turned to be happy shape!!
Thank GOD for HIS mercy!

Size of the tumor masses kept on going smaller under chemotherapy~
The malignant tumor located at the left upper lung has been shrunk to less than 3 cm in diameter. The other one at the center of Papa's lung, which did not respond well to the chemotherapy, also showed to be inhibited by C/T.



On the way leaving hospital, we were cheering for the improvement!
Mama's curly eyebrows now disappeared. Papa's face though was ashen still, yet the cheering smile decorated and lighted up Papa's face at this moment.


I surely was very busy calling younger sister and brother and telling the good news. It was indeed a great encouragement for everybody of our family!!

2007年8月18日 星期六


A Funny Wooden Puzzle


Having finished the progress report of this semester, Yi-Hsiuan decided to have a break from laboratory. With his girl friend, they took the flight to Czech and had a wonderful time in Prague. Before departure, he asked me if I wished him to bring something from Czech. I told him I want a traditional wooden puppetry. Since that day, Yi-Hsiuan disappeared from lab and showed offline on MSN.

A little bird in the cage.


I had my life in lab as usual, being busy like a bee but happy. One day Yi-Hsiuan showed up on MSN again and sent a hello to me. How suprising! He was on a street in Prague using the wireless connection. He told me he didn't find the puppetry I wished but he found something made of wood and was sure I would love it very much~ My heart was soon filled by curiosity. For his girl friend had been aside waiting for a while, he left MSN after the short conversation.

The little bird cries: Help~~


Yi-Hsiuan had safely landed in Taipei for days, appeared in lab again and worked hard for his thesis. The mysterious present was this tiny stuff~a caged wooden bird! Since the day it was on my hands, my brain was engaged by the idea of how to set the little bird free~

One of the key postures to get the little bird out.


It took me two weeks to solve this puzzle. The tiny crying bird became a happy singing one! During the trial-and-error period, Bo-Tsang and Jhong-Jhei questioned and teased at the relationship between Yi-Hsiuan and me, since they thought this wooden puzzle is impossible to be solved! They said this must be a trick that Yi-Hsiuan wished to fool me :<

The last step to set the little bird free!


Yuan-Hua was the first person to set the little bird free. He went to my house for something else. We chatted at home and he had the wooden puzzle on hands and tried to solve it! Suddenly the little bird came out from the cage with his help and the rumor about Yi-Hsiuan's trick fell into ruin~By the way, Yi-Hsiuan was right! I love this tiny stuff very much, it is indeed a good toy to play with children!

The little bird sings: Freedom is priceless~


The key postures to save the little bird from the cage were shown in these photos. For anyone who wishes to have a try on solving it, surely I can tell you that the little bird could be set free without breaking its wings or destroying the cage!

2007年8月3日 星期五



It was indeed a freezing cold day~ Except Michael and me, there was a tourist team being here with a curator guiding them around this historic buildings. We walked aside and heard from the curator about the history of this old house.

左護龍 ->正廳 ->右護龍
View from the Left Wing to the Right Wing.


The air was extremely icy...I could not help but shivering. The sky turned to be cloudy in the afternoon. I thought I should shoot more before my hands got frozen. We therefore left the guided tour and walked through the old houses with my T11 shooting around.

A Corridor between the Inner and Outer Left Wing.


I remembered other historic buildings that also represented the style of Chinese architecture. The first one is located on Bin-Jiang road of Taipei City -- Lin, An-Tai's ancient residence; and the other is in Ban-Ciao of Taipei County -- Lin's Garden. They all exhibited the hierarchy of structures in Chinese residence -- the ancestral hall had the highest status and the status declining of other rooms as farther away they were.

民生用水的來源。A Well.


It was obvious that the Li's historic houses were not preserved as good as the Lin, An-Tai's ancient residence and Lin's Garden. Is it because
the three historic buildings belonged to the different administrative divisions and thus an inadequate financial support to preserve Li's houses?

A Modern Toilet with an Old-fashioned Looking.


My family also has an old house that was assigned to be the historic buildings years ago. I heard from my grandfather about the house. It was a gift and built during the Tsin-Dynasty (清朝) for my ancestor had good rankings in the government exam. Although it was not as luxury as the three historic buildings I mentioned above, yet the court, yard, hall and rooms were built exactly in the manners of Chinese architecture.

陪我們兜冷風的夏朵。Honda Shadow.


Once there was a typhoon attacking our old house when I was undergraduate. Roof was blown away by strong wind, walls composed of clay lumps were destroyed by heavy rain, the old house looked toppling and dangerous. However, we could not and had no right to repair the house for it has been assigned as a historic buildings!! What a ridiculous situation it was!

離開古厝前的回眸。The Last Look.


Many old houses were assigned to be preserved for they are priceless in the view of historical meanings. They were "preserved" in a way of general ideas instead of a clear and concrete plan of tasks! For the old who live in the "historic buildings", how to make a living is more important and realistic issue than "preserve the historic buildings", isn't it?

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